case study : wise vehicle testing

Client: WISE
TYPE: STARTUP, established
WISE is a startups providing comprehensive solutions in Testing, Measurement, Design and Analysis for sectors like Automotive, Civil Engineering, Bio-Medical, Energy and Aero Space.
Services Provided
✓ Consultation in creating business and brand strategies
✓ Designed WISE Brand
✓ Technical Content development and streamlining
✓ Website Creation and content integration with relevant technology images
✓ Designing of Marketing Collateral and printing production for the same
✓ Creation of demo vehicle
✓ Exhibition preparation
Any website these days is just like a frame work. What makes is special is it's content. We actively consulted WISE with what content needs to be showcased and how. We were part and parcel of content development and streamlining process. This entire content was later used on the website and other collaterals.

To demonstrate some of WVTS state-of-the-art technologies to large automotive companies and government testing facilities, we created this demo car which showcased where the different sensors are placed to monitor various parameters in the car.